Hi there, I'm Ruiqi Lei 👋

Glad to see you here! You can also find me on GitHub.

Ruiqi Lei, a student in BUPT, majoring in CS.

Interested in: Trading, FFI, Networking, Programming Languages...

Some of my work:

FFIs (Language Bindings)

  • ctp-rs, a Rust FFI binding for CTP. (proprietary)
    Note: CTP is the most commonly used API for Chinese Futures Market.
  • s7-sys, a Rust FFI binding for s7 Scheme interpreter.
  • MT4Bridge, C++ Wrapper for using .NET MT4 API. (deprecated)


  • vnpy_mysql, MySQL interface for vnpy.
    I contributed to this project by adding auto reconnect feature using Mixin.
  • NaiveKV, a naive key-value single file database written in Java, inspired by LSM Tree.

Interpreters & Compilers

  • RacketScheme, a naive Scheme interpreter written in Racket.
  • RustScheme, a naive Scheme interpreter written in Rust.



  • bupt-scs-dns-relay, a POSIX compatible DNS relay multithreaded server.
  • AutoBus A naive bus dispatching game written in wxWidgets & C++.
